Saturday, July 23, 2011

Stephen Jerzak .

Good morning everyone !What do you guys up too ? Aq ada cerita Baik punye untuk korang~(yang bace blog aku ni).I dreamt about this guy nama dia Stephen Jerzak.Dia ni penulis lirik lagu,In the same time dia menyanyi jugak.Dia tak famous lagi dekat Malaysia.Dia ada lebih kurang 20 songs or more...Tapi umur dia tahun ni,17 years old... The best thing dia SINGLE MINGLE TRIANGLE... Wooooow !
K la got to go so TataTitiTutu !
Ilove you guysss ! muahhhhhh .

Friday, July 22, 2011

My only Supramaniam ~

The first day bila papa dah keluar,I wanna ask papa to buy this for me on my birthday or something else.HarapHarap papa belikan supra modal ni,Hopefullyyyyyyy ~

Snikers for alll ...

My only snickers ~

You are my only bestfriend ...

This is my only best freind.Nama dia Fikri Azizi.Umur dia 13 tahun.Dia dah couple dengan someone.Kalau nak kenal dia lebih rapat,mintak nombor telefon dia sendiri ye ~ Fikri ni lelaki yang ala-ala caring,sweet,cheerful,baik,tak berapa matured(hehe,jangan marah darll).

Nak tahu lagi pasal dia,text,inbox,Im,follow,tweet laa dia sendiri okayy ? Aku taknak jadi orang tengah .....

Thaqiff Ihsan Marican .

This is my Lame Brother.Handsome kan ? Nak nombor telefon dia ? Aku boleh bagi .Dia ni Comel,Handsome and Baik tapi,Dia tak berminat dengan perempuan or stuff.Dia minat Games only ! I just wanna say that,I Love You Brother !

Anis Sabrina Bt Sabri .

This is my friend Anis Sabrina.I called he Breena,She's lovely you know ~ Please don't breack her heart if you know her ~ because she is speacial and precious .I wanna say to her I love her 1000x times if she lend me ~ Please don't breack her heart,If she ever do wrong this to you'll,Please forgive her ~ I mean it .

My mother and My aunt . Love them somuch !

Which is my mom ? TekaTeka ~

My mother and My Cousin .

This is my mom and my cousin Nur Izrin Bt Zahiruddin Marican.ILOVE Them so much !


Batrisya is on the line !

As you guys tahu my beloved papa masuk hospital kann ? sekarang nie papa dah transfer dekad PPUKM|HUKM dekat Bandar Tun Hussien Onn.
I miss him,
I need him,
He's the capten in our family,
He's me hero ~
Please bring him back to me ! Everyday he fetch me back to school with his Motorcycle (Kawasaki ER6-n).I miss him riding with me ~.
My mom cryed every night and hope he will get well soon,same as my grandmother.



What My Heart Says ;)

Hey there ! Batrisya is on the line !

Kalau korang semua nak tahu,ade Lelaki ni Dia jahat dengan aku selalu,but one day dia tetibe je baik dengan aku,idon't know why ? Sebenarnye,aku suke lelaki lain but NakTakNak je mengaku suke dia,how laaaa :( .
Nak tahu dia buad ape:-
-dia dengar bile aku panggil dia.
-dia tak pernah mencarut dekad aku walaupun dia sebut Bodoh,
alamak ! lupela...
tapi bende yang baikbaik dia buad dekad aku...
I have to admit,
ILOVE Him once

Thursday, July 21, 2011

***** ***** . Love all about us ...

It's all about him.Why,Why,Why ? What happen to us ? We use to be BestFriend but now,were not ! why is this happen to us ? Maybe I'm not your type anymore ? Tell me ! Hmmm,nevermind . Hope you will happy all about the past about us okayy,
ByeBye :(